Katelyn's World Mac OS

Add MAC OS in to the Boot menu. Boot into windows and download EasyBCD (google it). Open it, click “Add/Remove entries” navigate to “Mac”. Select Type in the dropdown to “Generic x86 Pc” and give some name in the text box below. This name will appear in your boot screen. Click “SAVE” REBOOT. Yeahhh 🙂 🙂 🙂 that’s it, enjoy MAC. Listen to music by Katelyn Macs on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Katelyn Macs including Light It Up (feat. Waka Flocka) and The Feels.

A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your dock.

A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar.

A control panel for all your WordPress sites


Focus on your content

Write and design with no other browser tabs to distract you. Switch easily between managing your WordPress sites and your favorite desktop apps.

Speed is a feature


Katelyn's World Mac Os 7

The desktop app builds upon the already fast WordPress.com by bundling the entire site as a local copy. You get near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.

Not one size fits all

Katelyn's World Mac Os X

The WordPress.com desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small window on the side to keep your eye on notifications, or do want to expand to a truly full screen for a zen writing experience? Take your pick.