Equine Escapades Mac OS


September 2012:
Equine Abdominal Anatomy:Thorax and Abdomen
Available for Windows AND Mac OS X

The new 'Anatomy of the Equine Abdomen' CD contains highly realistic 3D animations, interactive models and large detail images that are perfect for first year veterinary students studying equine abdominal anatomy. All of the material on this CD is included on the 'Equine Colic' CD.

June 2012:
Canine Anatomy:Thorax and Abdomen
Available for Windows AND Mac OS X

This exciting new program presents the dog’s thorax and abdomen like they’ve never been seen before. The program includes 10 cutting edge animated movies, nearly 50 interactive models and more than 250 detailed images, each with its own recorded narrative.

June 2010:
The Horse Owner's Guide To Colic CD
Available for Windows AND Mac OS X beginning June 20th

Produced with the general horse owner community in mind, this program educates horse owners and enthusiasts about equine abdominal anatomy and colic.Also includes a section on frequently asked questions, clinical signs and much more.

March 8, 2012:
The Elements of the Equine Distal Limb CD
Updated version 1.6 has been released. Check with your local distributor for availability. To upgrade an older version, please see our support page for details.

July 2005:
2005 Dr. Frank Netter Award for
Special Contributions to Medical Education

Awarded to The Glass Horse Project’s
“Elements of The Equine Distal Limb” CD
James N. Moore, M. Flint Buchanan, Thel Melton and Mac Smith &
The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
The Frank Netter Award is given annually by the Vesalius Trust to an individual, institution or company in recognition of the development of visually oriented educational materials which, through independent testimonial or documentation, have been demonstrated to have met the stated educational objective as well as made a significant contribution to the advancement of education and research in visual communication for the health sciences.

June 2005
American Horse Publications Award,
1st Place in Class 35: ILLUSTRATION

Fall 2004, Hoofcare & Lameness Journal:
“The Glass Horse: The Art Of Equine Anatomy”
Illustrators: Flint Buchanan & Thel Melton of
The Glass Horse Project & UGA College of Vet Med

Judges’ Comments: Complex anatomy is well executed with a beautiful and dramatic flair in this illustration. This is a very attractive piece of cover art that works extremely well to draw the viewer’s attention. Great textural detail and a wonderful three-dimensionality add to the powerful impact of the overall composition.

March 2009
2009 Vesalius Trust Certificate of Excellence
Awarded to The Glass Horse Project’s “Equine Colic CD”
James N. Moore, M. Flint Buchanan, Thel Melton and Mac Smith
The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

In June, SophosLabs discovered a new version of the Tored email worm for Mac OS X, and hackers planted a version of the Jahlav Mac Trojan horse on a website posing as a portal for hardcore porn. Re: Mac OS X build of OpenTTD 1.0.3 Post by DeletedUser6 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:36 pm I am really inexperienced with terminal, add to that the fact that I am sharing this computer with my mum and you end up with a potential disaster. But be aware that the Internet is riddled with potential threats to the security and well-being of your Mac or iOS device. No computer system is completely immune from possible attack, but Apple’s OS X (being Unix-based) is less vulnerable than most, particularly the latest versions from Lion onwards. Windows machines remain the most common target because, well, globally Windows PCs outnumber Mac OS by more than 16-to-1. What is true is that Mac users now face the same scareware scams that.

Apple quickly issued an update to iOS 7 and iOS 6, but took longer to issued an update for Mac OS X, despite Apple confirming that the same SSL/TSL security flaw was also present in OS X.

Equine Escapades Mac Os X


Equine Escapades Mac Os Catalina

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