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CVS Basic for iSeries P05

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CVS for iSeries (OS/400)

CVS for iSeries is a client interface available from the 'standard' OS400 user interface (with a menu), commands (LOGINCVS, CHKOUTCVS, CHKINCVS etc), and also options from PDM (CI, etc). The WDSc (Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries) can access those PDM options and run them within WDSc as a contextual menu option.

A movie of CVS for iSeries is downloadable from here showing how CVS is used in a 'typical' way on the iSeries (no audio): click here.

CVS for AS/400 may also be used from the Q-Shell.

Any source code 'checked in' to the CVS repository can be 'checked out' on any CVS compatible platform, including Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X and vice-versa. The CVS client for the iSeries handles the EPCDIC<->ASCII conversion. This allows for cross platform code development, or for RPG/COBOL/CL programming by developers who do not have current physical access to the iSeries.

CVS for OS400 is supplied to our 'Multi Site Plus' support customers or as an option (at additional cost 'platform builds') for our Single Site Plus and Multi Site Basic customers. You can download our detailed brochure on CVS support, training and installation which describes the features of 'Multi Site Plus': click here.

Prices for installation and configuration and training vary depending on which OS400 version you are using, a general guide is available: click here.

March Hare provide support, training, installation and consulting in the USA, Europe and Asia Pacific (including Japan).

Due to the complexity and the volume of choices with setting up CVS for the iSeries one of our engineers must assist with the installation.

Dollar Store Frolf Mac OS

A basic package which includes CVSNT for iSeries:

  • support for up to 50 users at a single location for one year (any combination of iSeries, Unix, Linux, Windows users)
  • installation and configuration of CVSNT server on Unix or Windows (2 days)
  • installation and configuration of CVSNT client on OS/400 (1 day)
  • unlimited telephone support from a single location for one year
  • priority feature request and priority bug fixes
  • personalised alert of security issues and security patches
  • training is also available at additional cost

Please note that it is not possible to use CVSNT iSeries client with an old CVS (cvshome) Version 1.x server. The above price includes configuration of a CVSNT 2. x or 3.x server on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. This task can optionally include migration of an existing CVS (cvshome) server or integration with defect tracking and build management systems.

All support customer also receive:

  • Combined windows client installer for TortoiseCVS / WinCVS / CVSNT Client
  • TortoiseCVS integrated with defect/bug tracking (bugzilla)
  • CVSNT Server side integration with Bugzilla
  • CVSNT Server side integration with build management (make)
  • Telephone and e-mail support in UK/Europe

Dollar Store Frolf Mac Os Catalina


Dollar Store Frolf Mac Os Update

This software is licensed per IBM Software Class - this edition of CVS for iSeries is for Class P05